Hi there, I'm Susie!

I'm so happy you're here.

You know that verse that says, 'The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much'? (James 5:16) Yep, that one. Hold tight to it because this is you moving mountains, conquering giants, and tearing down strongholds. This is you praying through the valley because you know it's only a shadow, and you can see the way out. This is you keeping your eyes fixed on the Maker of Heaven and Earth. This is you and this is me, holding fast to our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
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Author, Susie, with her family

My Mom Taught Me To Pray

My childhood wasn’t perfect (who’s is?), but my mom taught me to pray. With a heart for God and a stubborn personality, I’ve seen some pretty amazing answered prayers. There’s not much I can boast of when it comes to myself; I have no accolades. I’m just an ordinary Christian woman with a stubborn faith. My husband used to tell me that I’m the most stubborn person he has ever known (always during a disagreement). Then, one day I explained the benefits of my stubbornness. He no longer tells me how stubborn I am. There can be many bad things about being stubborn…but when your faith is stubborn, I count that as good.

A Little More About Me

Our family lives in the Midwest. I love the summer and would love to live somewhere else in the winter. We have 3 great kids here on earth and life is never dull. I’m pretty sure I am a 7 on the Enneagram and I choose to see the glass half full, also, I love my rose-colored glasses.

I am very happy to have you here and so excited for us to get to know each other!